Our 2016 Affordable bestselling books

Some of ADLE International’s Affordable Books on line most bought bestsellers this year.

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child  –  curse

The Hidden Life of Trees – trees

Fantastic Beast – fantastic

Star Wars Rogue One – One Secret Mission – tsecret

When Breathe Becomes Air – air

The Underground Railroad –  underground

The Gene –   gene

The Undoing Project –  undoing

ADLE International started from a lof of humble beginnings, successes, pitfalls, and mistakes as any struggling start-up home based small business enterprise.

The story of Affordable Books and ADLE International encompasses the life stories and struggles of persistence and determination of it’s founder, author, writer, blogger

philanthropist, Alex Esguerra.

As a major brick and mortar online independent retailer, the storytelling begins with smallbusinessmentors  in 1999. Fresh from the collapse of an export and etock market empire after being hit by the 1998 Asian Economic Crisis which led to the stock market collapse in 1999, a ever persistent entrepreneur roam the parks of Vancouver, B.C. homeless, hungry and struggling for survival.

However, faith, hope and determination persisted when a struggling Alex still managed to register ADLE International as a sole proprietorship in Salem, the capital city of the state of Oregon, USA.