Understanding Trump, The Case to be President

Understanding Trump

Branding, Not Attacking as author Newt Gingrich writes about Winning, Big League on this new bestselling book, Understanding Trump

Being a businessman and the first elected US President who has not held a previous public office is the greatest strength Donald Trump has and I must say the best person who should know about branding than anyone in the Republican party.  As seen before during the primaries he defeated his primary contender Jeb Bush as being combative and maneuvering to be on the offense. Something as seen nowadays on his presidency on his continuous attack and every effort to reverse the policies of his predecessor Barack Obama. As any good salesman, he or she will focus on the conversation about you and the topic in order to build the rapport, get your sentiment and agreement as seen in the past books he has written like in Trump: Art of the Deal

Any Television follower of the show, “The Apprentice” remembers Mr. Trump in his famous words of “Your Fired”. The case of the recent firing of the controversial FBi Director and the Obama appointed attorney generals who have been routine to any newly elected president except that it got controversial because of the familiar “Your Fired” rhetoric. As the Former Speaker and Bestselling Author Newt Gingrich thoroughly explains the case of the vision and personality of President Trump through this bestselling book, the fact remains is that the recent actions in the first 100 days. Such are the cases of the Travel Ban to selected Muslim countries, the building of the border wall, the non-importance of climate change, the vision of making Great America without Free Trade, the envision health care reform, the reversal of trade openings with Cuba, and the admiration of President Putin. Notwithstanding the first President to have accused the media of wrong and bias reporting.

The book has great visions looking forward on what the Trump presidency wants to accomplish yet the arguments on the current events are side by side with the pros and cons. But as any bestselling book, the name,  personality, curiosity of the reader lies beneath on why this new book is now running out of printed copies as of this writing.

As any book lover and reader who normally is in tune with current events, I’ll let them make their decision on how to rate this book. For now, let’s stay tuned, compare what has been written to what is going to be accomplished.

Alex Esguerra

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